Table of Contents
Reverse Code Engineerng
~~META: status = active &relation firstimage = :project:rce.png ~~
Goals of the Project
- security research
- education
Can You Crack It?
16.12.2011 20:00 - date vote poll
Provedeni resenim challenge
Postupne si vysvetlime co se po nas v zadani chtelo a jak se to melo resit.
Recommended readings
Date to be announced.
1. from boot to root
- x86 boot process (modes)
- grub
- kernel main
- init
- rc.d
- root
2. running process
- elf
- loader (libraries)
- environment (input/ipc)
- syscalls (process/kernel)
- library call (.plt)
3. debugging
- ltrace
- strace
- ptrace
- gdb
- basic disassembly
4. creating program
- memory layout
- stack
- heap
- object placement (variables in memory)
- gcc
5. reverse engineering
- advanced disassembly
- basic constructions (functions)
- code flow control
- de/obfuscation
- examples
6. vulnerability exploitation
- buffer
- types
- shellcode
- pwn
- examples
7. code review
- taossa
- secure coding
- xorl
8. vulnerability discovery
- code review
- documentation
- fuzzing
project/rce/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/28 00:36 by ruza