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Food hacking

Food hacking
depends on:
interested: ruza,
Frantisek Apfelbeck
software license:
hardware license:

~~META: status = active ~~

W0t & Wai

The aim of this project page is to collect all events and small projects related to Food hacking theme made by brmlab people or made as an events in brmlab hackerspace.

Kimbab (김밥) workshop a ochutnávka probiotik&spol

Pátek 18/3/2016 od 19:00

V pátek 18/3 od 19:00 rozjedem v Brmlabu workshop na Korejský kimbab, Japonci tento pokrm nazývjí sushi. Vytvoříme různé typy, naučíme se jak správně připravit rýži a projdeme krok za krokem, každý za sebe přípravu. Během akce budem mít různé další ochutnávky pokrmů a nápojů. Vstupné je dobrovolné, dveře jsou otevřené všem.

Budu se na vás všechny těšit s pozdravem František Algoldor Apfelbeck

Food Hacking and Brewing Opening of 2015

Lets come together again preparing variety of ferments from all around the world, snacks which we like most and enjoy each other company in the meanwhile.

Probiotic brewing - advanced workshop, Friday 2/1/2015 at 19:00, Brmlab

We will prepare at least one brew based on our preference, taste variety of flavours, discuss more in depth brewing approaches and of course share probiotic cultures. Donationes are welcome, no one turned away for lack of funds.

International Dinner, Saturday 3/1/2015 at 19:00, Brmlab

Preparing and sharing amazing dishes from all around the world is something what bring people together in a nice and peaceful way. You can come and enjoy what we prepare, or you can bring your speciality. Donationes are welcome, no one turned away for lack uf funds. Who wants to help with preparations which would be highly welcome, please show up before, we will start to prepare around 15:00.

Food Hacking Base Tour in Brmlab 10, 11 and 12/2/2014

EN - Here is a short overview of planed events events, please be aware that much will be happening spontaneously, so just be ready.

Monday 10/2/2014 Workshop on Tempeh preparation, starts at 19:00

Tuesday 11/2/2014 Korean Healing Table, preparation starts 17-18:00, dining 20:00 or 20:30

Wednesday 12/2/2014 Traditional Korean kimchi preparation, starts at 19:00

We will do again the culture exchange as usually (mentioned below), this time we have Kombucha cosmopolita, milk kefir, Bacillus subtilis (natto) and sourdough.

As usually entrance is donation based, no one turned away for lack of funds. Money will be collected and deposed as a contribution to our current Food Hacking Base Tour crowdsourcing campaign here.

Bio-Culture exchange

EN - During the evening/night hours of 14th and 15th of August 2013, we will be sharring variety of probiotic and other cultures in Brmlab. We will also start some cultures, share some cool recipes and much more. So if you like to pop in, please do so, bring some snack and have fun! The event is donation based no one turned away for luck of funds, we should cover what we spend. The excess could be used on feeding some cultures like kombucha so it could be available in Brmlab (but doesn't have to be grown there). Below is the list of cultures and people sharing them which we know of already.

CZ - Během 14 a 15 srpna 2013 bude v Brmlabu uspořádané sdílení probiotických a jiných kultur. Chceme také rozjet pár várek něčeho zajímavého a věřím, že nás čekají různé další experimenty. Takže chcete-li se přidat výborně! Rozhodně doporučujeme přinést nějakou tu pochutinu, vlastní výtvor se obzváště cenní. Akce je založena na klasickém přístupu kdo chce ať se přidá, dary jsou vítány, ale nevyžadovány. Měly by se uhradit náklady na akci, přebytek by mohl být například využit pro nakoupení cukru atd. na krmení kombuchové kultury, která by mohla být pro zájemce přístupná v Brmlabu (ale zda jí tam přímo pěstovat je otázkou). Níže je uveden seznam kultur, které budou k dispozici na rozebrání a experimenty.

List of bio-cultures to share/Seznam bio-kultur pro výměnu

kefir culture (+-50 g=10-12 grains/zrn) FAA

water kefir culture (+-100 g = many decent size grains/mnoho pěkných velkých zrn) FAA

kombucha, in this case/v tomto případě Kombucha cosmopolita culture (+-400 g) FAA

Aspergilus oryzae (ipku = koji) for making sake or makgeolli (not a traditional Korean way, new commercial way of production)/Aspergilus oryzae na výrobu saké a korejského makgeolli, ale v tomto druhém případě nikoli tradiční příprava FAA

nuruk for making traditional Korean rice beer makgeolli/na výrobu tradičního Korejského rýžového piva FAA

Nattō (Bacillus subtilis) for preparation of traditional Japanese soy bean ferment nattō or chongukcan (traditional Korean soy bean ferment)/pro přípravu tradičního japonského fermentu nattō a čongukčánu (tradiční korejský bobový kvas) FAA

Tempeh starter - (Rhizopus oligosporus) for preparation of the tempeh/inokulum Rhizopus oligosporus, na výrobou tempehu.

Contact persons

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck - FAA

Interesting link/Zajímavé odkazy portal focused on wild fermentations/ portál zaměřený na divoké kvasy page about nattō/stránky věnující se nattō


Even some of us had already knew kombucha drinks, first kombucha homebrewing evangelist was Frantisek Apfelbeck (our member for some time and also founder of Tastebridge group in San Francisco hackerspace)

Few Food Hacking events were organized all related to fermentation techniques. Kefir grain and honey based fermented drinks were also made.

Záznamy z akce

2023/07/11 19:39

You can ask some brmlab members (ruza, ata) for kombucha SCOBY (mother) to make your own.

DNA analysis driven food

For the people whose genome passed out DNA analysis and their SNP (Single-nucleotide_polymorphism) are known (ie using services) personalised dinner was presented at Denisa Kera: jsi co jíš, ale můžeš také jíst, co jsi event.

Predkrm: dle genealogickeho profilu - DNA kulinarska exkurze v case & prostoru
Hlavni jidlo: ADRA2A, MTHFR & TAS2R38 variace
Piti: OPRM1 vinko a COMT caje


2011/05/15 16:32
2011/05/15 16:32

DIY ClubMate

czestmyr tried to cook our own club mate. aim of that was trying to find exact taste of original ClubMate and also find some new flavours.

  1. 1. pokus:
    • 0.5l vody o teplote cca 50C, zalito 4i lzicemi Mate Green. louhovano 10min
    • scezeno
    • pridano 15ml agavoveho sirupu, 15ml cukerneho sirupu, 1/8 lzicky kyseliny citronove
    • smichano 1:1 s perlivou vodou
    • vysledek cca 1l Mate
  2. 2.pokus:
    • 0.5l vody o teplote cca 50C, 4 predchozi lzice Mate Green + 3 nove. louhovano 10min
    • scezeno
    • pridano 30ml agavoveho sirupu, 30ml trtinoveho sirupu, 1/2 lzicky kyseliny citronove
    • smichano 1:1 s perlivou vodou
    • Hodnoceni:
  3. 3.pokus:
    • 0.5l vody o teplote cca 50C na 2 pouzite lzice Mate Green a 1 novou. louhovano 15min
    • scezeno
    • pridano 15ml agavoveho sirupu, 30ml trtinoveho sirupu, 1/3 lzicky kyseliny citronove
    • smichano 1:1 s perlivou vodou
  4. 4.pokus:
    • zbytek Mate z 2.pokusu (tj, 4 lzice zalite potreti a 3 podruhe). louhovano 20min, 30ml trtinoveho sirupu (vysledek moc sladky)
    • zalite “pivem” Birell (0,5l).
    • scezeno, lahvovano


Stevko is brewing his own Kvass.


Beer brewing workshop is planned.


mix czech (domestic :)) rum with Club Mate


Stevko is making mead in the kitchen in the bottom shelf. Do not stir, do not shake, do not touch. Fermentation started: 2012-08-31. Expected duration of the first phase: 6 weeks.

Used honey: JSG blossom honey

The mead looks good enough after four and half weeks and will be drank at meetup (on 2012-10-02).

Variations to try next:


We did another batch that was more sour (some hackers preferred this taste) and generally well received. The reason for sourness is unknown, probably less sweet honey, since we left it fermenting for approximately same time.

The third batch was supposed to be made from pasky's home honey with cinnamon, however too much cinnamon probably killed yeast and mold started growing inside the jar, so that batch was flushed.

Czestmyr is planning to do some more mead with other types of yeast.


On 2013-03-13 some cabbage has been put into crock to ferment and to become sauerkraut. Later, bacteria that ferment it (lacobacilus and other) might be used in biolab. Resulting sauerkraut will be either eaten in one large sauerkraut session or might be stocked in brmbar.

The second version was started on 2015-04-26. We used seven cabbages.
