====== 3d printing cookbook ======
=== Before ===
* check status of printers [[project:reprap:start#printer_status| here]]
* [[project:reprap:firstime#brmlab-independent_preparation_creating_gcode|compile .gcode from .stl]] ([[http://slic3r.org|slic3r]]) and upload it on [[http://drevena.dyn.brm | drevena]] or [[http://zluta.dyn.brm | zluta]]
* go to HWlab
* [[project:reprap:anytime#bed_preparation | prepare the bed]]
* check physically that printers are good to go (filament is on place, bed is nicely covered with homogenous thin layer of glue, bed and axis are moving freely)
* check Z axis position.
* set temperature of bed and extruder (guide [[project:reprap:tempset | here]]), wait for temperature stabilization.
* if you´re not sure try to extrude 5mm of filament (**EXTRUDER MUST BE HOT**)
* start printing and **check** if the **Z axis** is OK - if not do a "quick-z-fix" on go and report to [[:mentors#d_tisk|3D printing mentor]].
=== In process ===
* it´s good to check "once upon a time" if everything is okay - temperature ok, no overheat, printed object sits on bed and don "walks around nozzle", object looks like it should etc
* if something goes wrong, stop printing. If something goes **really** wrong, pull the printer out of electricity. In any case contact [[:mentors#d_tisk|3D printing mentor]], **do not try to repair it yourself** unless you're instructed otherwise, [[:mentors#d_tisk|mentor]] know that * * * * happens someday and it's not shame to ask for fix.
=== After printing [czech] ===
* uklidit **bordel** kolem a na reprapu (kousky filamentu, kousky vytištěného filamentu a.t.p.)
* zkontrolovat že je **vypnutý** bed a vypnuté vyhřívání trysky
* v případě že tam zbývá malý kousek filamentu **filament vyměnit** (v rámci pravidla "be excellent to each other") popř. požádát zodpovědného a zkušeného člena o výměnu a odzkoušení
* v případě závady/poruchy na tiskárně poruchu **nahlásit** zkušenému členovi a **položit lísteček** na tiskárnu s popisem problému, v případě že víte co děláte samozřejmě poruchu **opravit**
* zvaž si výtisk a zaplať (člen - **2 Kč/g**, nečlen **5 Kč/g** , tím je zajištěno že jsou peníze na filamenty a případné opravy)
=== After printing [en - short version] ===
* clean up the mess
* turn off heating (bed, extruder)
* do not leave few cm of filament in printer, install new filament
* if it broke or you broke it - nevermind, * * * * happens. Report it and leave a note on printer
* dont forget to weight extruded plastic and pay for it (**2 CZK/g** if you´re member, **5 CZK/g** for non-member)
==== Bed preparation ====
* if there is printed object on bed put it in plastic box under [[http://drevena.dyn.brm | drevena]] printer
* Unify layer of glue by slightly (!!!) wet sponge.
* If you use PLA you can use carbon bed.
* If there is too little of glue or you're printing something with unstable base put a little amount of glue on bed.
* If you're printing something with bad adhesion from ABS use ABS/acetone juice.
* If you're printing more ABS parts in series unify layer with pure acetone, dont put too much of juice on glass plate or you'll only end up with dirty glass.